Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I'm bored

I hope this piece of my writing will make the above point clear beyond any doubts...for mentioned herewith is purely inconsequential nothing, pure gibberish, utter waste of time and timepass ..... for i am getting utterly bored at this point of time, with all the things in the world to do but no will to do them, because i am getting bored and I shall prove to you beyond any doubt that i am , as i mentioned before as that being the aim of my present venture...I was contemplating the sheer lack of topics to blog about, or perhaps the lack of will to actually blog one, so i decide to blog about nothing, pure inconsequential and worthless as you say an idle mind is devil's workshop (and believe me I have had more than my fair share of contributing the large thing that is between my ears to his workplace), but this time i think it is finally giving way.....because it has nothing to do; actually it does have somethign to do but actually the work has been stalled *by this time i think that you are somewhat convinced that i am really jobless....Warning If you continue further i assume you are jobless too and may as well go mad after reading this, so please proceed at your own risk) the time that i write this i am inside my lab and ready to sleep there , because i am not working or put it better not in a mood to work, or might be better put still; my efforts now would be purely inconsequential and fruitless as my work has been stalled and it is beyong my scope and power to put it somewhat back on track; or so i shall attempt to do after blogging my frustration out.......but as for now as i have already mentioned before a hundred odd times { i know that is plain exxaggggeration (yes it is exxaggggeration, spelt with one extra x and two extra g's)}.....(well nice bracketing that) as mentioned before a hundred and one times ( sorry was a PJ ; but now you may seem to unsderstand how jobless I am ) that i am about to bore you, as i am bored myself and talk about pure, plain, bland nothing, because i have nothing more enlightening to talk to , no operating systems, no sad poems, no wardens no nothign to blog about just the oldest thing i to get bored...and talk real you know a wise man (read Me)once said that "Life is full of Crap. and Crap is caused due to human joblessness" (actually Buddha forgot to patent his "life is full of sorrow and sorrow is caused due to human desire" wala dialogue...).....nowi would really appreciate your courage mate if you are still reading this because reading this requires an unusually high level of focus and dogged determination.......but i promise you that i wont be writing such masterpieces of human expression again (because you will kill me the next time you meet me, after reading the full blog, and are alive after that) i congrtulate you again for having read this piece of pure rubbish...........and i congratulate myself on my newfound ability of boring people, and getting bored myself......(these .'s really come handy)...........(sorry PJ but they DO come handy)......(give you thinking time).......if you still are in doubt that i am bored......."god save me"

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