Saturday, May 26, 2007

My recent ordeals with Linux.....(and my penchance for getting tortured anyways)

Of Open Source, unearthly commands and Idiot Friendly OSs (read Windows)

Being a Windows user since the Jurassic age, it is that uncomfortable feeling one gets out of using other OSs that drive people like me away from them, Computer Geeks seem to love those billions of Linux and Unix variants.....seem to be one for each letter of the English alphabet...Ubuntu, Gentoo, Knoppix, BSD, Fedora, Red Hat Linux, Mandriva, Vlos, Sabayon, Slax, Lg3d, Kororaa.......You pick a letter mate and I will tell you the name of the OS......

So drawing HUUUUUUUGE inspiration from Ananya Pareek (my wingmate from the Electrical Engineering Deptt whose sole aim in life i guess is to keep on installing Linuxes and playing the guitar; it is rumoured that he once installed 10 in 3 days; all he seems to be doing is changing his OS, not using them but changing them; anyways that's a metter for some other post for some other day) and from CSEwala obsession with Linux ( strictly in that order) I decided to give it a try myself, so off went my HP recovery partition (only way i could allocate space) and in came Ubuntu Edgy 6.10 ( It is considered impolite not to mention all the versions and the numbers :P)....with Beryl.......and trust me it looked awesome....Beryl I mean looked just fabulous...all Linux look drop dead gorgeous for that matter... the beauty for idiots like me end here (except that they may have real nice sounds...Sabayon for example)....then there is this dreaded thing called the console, terminal..with its oh so lengthy and those fizzler commands (look at an example HERE) that make you realise that apart from the dog, Google is man's best me if you got a problem in Linux, i mean any kind of problem trust me someone has encountered it earlier, and someone else has solved it :P......
.....True and being open source and free ( my friend ordered 50 Ubuntu CDs and got them free of charge !!) Linux is definitely the future, its because when you have a problem you fix it yourself because you know the code, you dont have to be dependent upon anyones service center for that matter, and because it s modifiable by the user it is best suited for their use by definition ......
....As for me i write this blog out of my frustration, for the nth time the grub has acted stargely....just after copying some linux files in ubuntu and shutting down proerly, ubuntu does not boot properly, what's more neither does windows.....that is being too just goes POOF just before coming to the login screen (...encountered a similar problem while installing Mac OS X 10.4.7 (as again a different story for a different date..) there i went again (and as before) installed Ubuntu all over again, looked plain this time ( no beryl )...then went on to thinking to switch back to Ubuntu..(couldn't configure the network settings in Sabayon :P)..Ubuntu is much simpler...
I would like to quote Varun in the end
"Linux is user friendly not Idiot friendly..."

I would like to quote myself
"I am an idiot" (all kinds of pun intended)


Piyush said...

The future, as they say , is open.

And you must go to the future sometime.

Unknown said...

hey! it's me...Ananya Pareek... :D

and I really installed 10 of them in 3 days :) I really plan to start sumthin other than installin g sumday but everytime i think so, something goes its not really my fault :P

but the blog is really describes wat u feel while installing 'it' :D

AryƤ said...

Okay... for the naive and the wannabe-but-not-so-confident geek... there's no need to take all that pain , just to get beryl running on your system...
There's this lovely site that lists software for mac emulation on ye olde windows and some of them are really cool and handy little things...
I'd suggest, before venturing out into the dark and unknown, try to squeeze out all that you can of your windows box (that's precisely how i managed to screw my comp and my last sem both... but life goes on...)

Unknown said...

I solemnly declare with profound grief the demise of my Windows XP Home Edition; just a few moments before melvis posted that comment, may its soul rest in an NTFS partition